I finished removing sod, edging, mulching and cleaning up the front yard in the brutal heat last night. It seemed as if this project would never end, what with the constant rain showers and heat and humidity. I took the photographs before I weedwacked because I knew the grass would land in the beds. How do people prevent that sort of thing? I just never seem to be able to keep things picture perfect like you see on garden tours. I've met my goal of having less lawn to mow. I think it looks okay. The walkways are perfectly straight but I curved the beds so it might look a little funny, but it's good enough. The Vanilla Strawberry hydrangea is doing really well this year, so many blooms. Last year it was really tiny.
The light gets all misty at this time of day. |
The backyard got all out of control in my neglect. I spent some time deadheading, weeding and plotting where the rhododendron, azalea, deutzia, spirea, and hydrangea will go. On to my next new garden area! You can catch me out back in the "alleyway" working around the hollies to create a mixed shrub border.
Wow it looks beautiful! I definitely would love to do larger garden beds in my front yard someday. I love how yours came out!
Thanks! I can't wait to see how that hydrangea perks up next year. Now I'm working on the back. Whew, sweating like a pig tonight!
What a wonderful addition to your garden. I really like the effect of walking through the garden with beds on both sides of the walkway. I never seem to have luck with roses, even knockout roses (I'm probably the only person who can't grow them) so I'm envious of yours.
Thank you! Coming from you that is high praise indeed.
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