Monday, December 29, 2014

2015 Goals

OK, so now I should list next year's goals. 
  1. Go back to clean eating for my weight, not my health this time.
  2. Finish guest room.  I've started at least.  I also used drywall tape for the first time in my mom's living room, so I've gotten some practice in for the nasty closet re-do.
  3. Finish all exterior painting and touch-ups.
  4. Use chopped leaves as mulch.  It's just too hard to lug mulch all the way to the backyard.
  5. Landscape in front of the new porch.  The wisteria and the trellis is now gone, leaving a lot of bare space.
  6. Power wash deck and side stairs.
  7. Enjoy all the lovely hydrangeas I planted!
Can't really think of anything else right now.
My sister-in-law says to plant hydrangeas here.  Any ideas?

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